Sunday, November 29, 2009

Curing Insomnia With Food


 Few things are as frustrating as not being able to fall asleep at night. Whether you suffer from chronic insomnia or just have an occasional sleepless night, not getting enough sleep at night takes a serious toll on your body. There are many prescription medicines designed to help you fall asleep, but they have serious side effects and can be very addictive. Luckily, you can naturally combat insomnia with the help of many great foods. Here are some suggestions for curing insomnia with food.


Bananas can help you go to sleep at night thanks to the magnesium they contain, which works as a natural muscle relaxant. They also are a good source of other relaxing nutrients like melatonin and serotonin, and are easy to digest so as to not upset your stomach before bed.


Tasty cherries are a great source of melatonin, which is a substance your body uses to help regulate your sleep. Snacking on cherries before bed is a great way to make sure you'll be able to drift off easily. Both regular cherries and dried cherries should work well.


Lentils are an excellent source of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps your body to regulate sleep. Try eating a relaxing lentil soup for dinner to get yourself ready to fall asleep by the time you head off to bed. Other tryptophan rich foods include spinach and broccoli.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is marketed for bedtime use for a reason! It works as a natural sedative on your body. To make it extra potent, try sweetening your tea with honey. Because honey contains glucose, consuming a small amount of it will signal your brain to turn off orexin for the night.


Enjoying a carbohydrate-rich snack like hazelnuts will help to make serotonin and melatonin more available to your brain. The best way to take advantage of this is to eat it alongside other foods on this list. Be careful not to munch on just any high-carb food- many of them contain substances that make your body more alert.


Try making potatoes part of your last meal of the day. They'll help to flush out acids in your body that interfere with tryptophan. If you enjoy your potatoes mashed, mixing in a small amount of warm milk will also naturally work to help your body fall asleep.

Brown Rice

Not only is brown rice incredibly easy to digest- it's also an amazing source of melatonin. The more melatonin your body produces, the easier falling asleep can be. Try pairing up your rice with a tryptophan rich vegetable like broccoli to make it super effective.


A small portion of a food that's full of healthy fats like avocado is a perfect way to prepare your body for relaxing at night. Be sure not to eat too much- just a few slices is more than enough. Avocado also contains many nutrients like folate and copper.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Colon Cleansing Foods

There are many benefits to colon cleansing. Doing so regularly will significantly reduce your chances of developing constipation or diarrhea, and will also improve your overall health. Colon cleansing has also been linked to weight loss, an increase in energy, and even better skin. Here are some healthy colon cleansing foods.

Green Peas

While a great many vegetables can help you to cleanse your colon naturally, green peas are one of the very best. They are a terrific source of fiber, but will feed your body with many other great things as well, such as vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, and thiamin.


Blackberries boast an incredible eight grams of fiber per cup, which makes them a perfect food to eat when you want to cleanse your colon. They'll also provide your body with plenty of nutrients while they're eliminating toxins, including Vitamin E, Magnesium, Potassium and Copper.


Calcium is crucial to good colon health, and spinach is a terrific source of it. One cup will give you about 25% of the recommended daily value for it. Spinach also is high in fiber and magnesium, two other substances that will help to cleanse your colon.

Fortified Cereals

Starting your day off with a fortified cereal is important to any colon cleansing diet. Look for a cereal that's high in soluble fiber, has no sugars or additives, and contains things like bran, wheat, flax, rye and oats. Oatmeal is also a great choice.


Loading up in magnesium is also important when you're trying to cleanse your colon. Walnuts will give you all the magnesium your body needs easily, while also providing you with the mega-nutritious omega-3 fatty acids that they contain.

Kidney Beans

Many kinds of beans are beneficial to our colons, and kidney beans are one of the best. They're packed with nutrients like fiber and magnesium, and also contain molybdenum, protein, thiamin, phosphorus, iron, copper, and vitamin K.

Vegetable Juice

Because vegetable juice is so easy to digest, it's perfect for a colon cleansing diet. Try picking veggies like broccoli, cucumber, eggplant, and asparagus that are rich in fiber for your juices. If you don't use, a simple soup made with fiber, calcium, and magnesium rich vegetables can work just as well.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What to Eat When You Have a Stomach Bug

cumin seeds
Though stomach bugs are usually brief, they're very common, and can be very difficult to deal with. When your body isn't feeling well, it's more important to eat well then ever, but it's very difficult to do so when you're suffering from symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Luckily, there are many great foods to eat that will nourish your body and help to fight off your illness. Here is what to eat when you have a stomach bug.

Fennel Tea

Fennel Tea is the perfect thing to drink when you're suffering from an upset stomach. Not only are warm liquids soothing, but fennel has natural anti-nausea properties. It'll also load your body up with nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and fiber which will help your body recover as quickly as possible.


Easy to digest foods that are are also full of fiber like bananas are the perfect way to fight off a stomach bug. Eating bananas won't irritate your stomach, and the fiber will help flush toxins out of your stomach more quickly. Bananas also have plenty of vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium.


Not only is yogurt easy to eat even with a sick stomach- it's also full of healthy bacterias that will work hard to fight off any viruses effecting your body. Look for a yogurt full of probiotics. If you choose a yogurt with fruit, pick a fruit high in fiber like blueberries, peaches, or raspberries.


If you're having trouble keeping foods down, try munching on some papaya. It contains enzymes which will help your body to better digest food. It also gives you a healthy dosage of nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber, and vitamins K and A.

Cumin Seed

Try sprinkling some ground cumin seeds onto a food that's bland and easy to eat, like whole wheat toast or boiled chicken. The cumin seed will work to relieve nausea and will help to stop vomiting, and it also boosts your immunue system. Cumin seeds also contain iron and manganese.

Vegetable Juice

Whether you prefer juiced carrots, cabbage, or leeks, vegetable juice is incredible easy to digest, and is a great way to feed your body plenty of nutrients even when you're having trouble eating. If vegetable juices aren't your speed, try enjoying a nice plain vegetable soup.


Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that will aid your body in digestion. Munching down on this food will help settle your stomach so that you can keep other foods you eat down. Pineapple also is full of vitamin C as well as manganese and fiber.


Rice is yet another easy to digest food that's full of great nutrients. It contains manganese, selenium and magnesium, and has been shown to promote overall health via phytonutrients. Make sure that you choose brown rice and not white rice so that you'll be able to take advantage of all of this.


No natural remedy will soothe your stomach faster than ginger. Though ginger ale and ginger tea are the most popular ways to take ginger when you're sick, pickled ginger is also a great choice. You can even add your ginger to a healthy vegetable soup for some stomach-safe flavor.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Foods That Contain Vitamin A

vitamin a
Vitamin A is a nutrient that boasts an incredible amount of benefits. It not only fights off free radicals with its antioxidant properties, but it also helps to hydrate your eyes and skin. If your body doesn't get enough Vitamin A, you may be more prone to viral infections, and will even have poorer night vision. Luckily, there are many foods high in vitamin A that you can load up on to keep your body healthy.


Crunchy carrots are one of the richest sources for vitamin A. That's why they're known for giving better vision, and why carrot soup is such a great thing to eat if you're feeling ill. Carrots also are a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium.

Sweet Potato

Like carrots, sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A in the form of beta carotene. This gives it potent antioxidant effects, especially because of the way sweet potato roots store nutrients. They also have plenty of vitamin C, copper and manganese.


Leafy greens like kale are a wonderful way to add more vitamin A to your diet. Kale has been shown to reduce your risk of several types of cancer, and it also helps your body to detoxify. Kale is jam packed with nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber and manganese.


This sweet melon offers plenty of vitamin A! Just one cup of cantaloupe can provide 103.2% of the daily value for vitamin A. Studies have shown that it can improve lung health in addition to eye health. Other nutrients it contains include potassium, fiber, and vitamin C.


Spinach is loaded with all kinds of nutrients, and vitamin A is one of them. Like other vitamin A rich foods, spinach can protect your eyesight, and it can also protect against many other ailments like osteoporosis and heart disease. Nutrients it has include vitamin C, vitamin B2, calcium, potassium, and vitamin B6.


If you're looking for a way to reap the benefits of vitamin A, try enjoying a tasty apricot. Apricots are an excellent source of this powerful antioxidant. They've been shown to help prevent cataracts in women. They're also a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.


Because broccoli is a superfood, it can help reduce your risk of many kinds of cancer in addition to giving your body the benefits of vitamin A. It can even boost your immune system! Broccoli also has plenty of vitamin K, vitamin C, folate and fiber.

Collard Greens

Many leafy greens are a great way to load up on vitamin A, and collard greens are no exception. Because this particular food is also loaded with other antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E, they can work together to give your body incredible protection against free radicals.

Bell Peppers

There are many nutrient rich kinds of peppers to eat, but no pepper has as much vitamin A as bell peppers do! It's chock full of carotenoids that will convert to vitamin A once inside your body. Bell peppers also contain fiber, vitamin C, and many kinds of b vitamins.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Healthy Diet Foods

negative calorie foods
When you diet, it's easy to think only about calorie count and not about the nutrients the foods you eat are providing you. When you're cutting calories, it becomes even more important to make sure that you're eating foods that will give your body everything it needs. Luckily, there are many foods that will help you lose weight that are still full of vitamins and minerals. Here is a list of some healthy diet foods.


Asparagus is a negative calorie food, which means that it takes more calories to digest it than it contains. This makes it a perfect addition to a healthy meal while you're dieting. It'll give your body plenty of nutrients like vitamins K, A, and C, as well as potassium and protein.

Kidney Beans

Kidney beans aren't just low in calories. They also pack in an incredible amount of protein, which will help fuel your body and keep you feeling full for longer. Kidney beans have plenty of other nutrients to offer as well, like folate, fiber and manganese.


It may seem obvious, but drinking lots of water is crucial to losing weight. Cutting out the calories you consume from drinks can have an amazing result on your waistline. Being well hydrated has a tremendous impact on your health. You won't believe how much better water will make you look and feel.


Grapefruit is an incredible food to eat while dieting. Not only does it lower insulin levels in your body that tell it to store fat- it can also speed up your metabolism with its high fiber content. Grapefruit also contains vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B5.


Jalapenos definitely aren't the easiest food to eat, but they have many benefits. Jalapenos contain something called capcaisin, which will keep your body burning calories for hours after you eat them. They're also full of nutrients like Iron, Magnesium and vitamin C.


Starting your day off with a big bowl of oatmeal is a wonderful way to help your body lose weight. It's packed with fat-soluble fibers that your body will have to work hard to break down. This will burn calories and keep you feeling full till lunchtime. Though it can be tempting to skip breakfast when you're on a diet, you shouldn't- eating it kickstarts your metabolism.


Though blueberries boast an incredible amount of antioxidants and nutrients, the amount of calories they contain is very low. Snacking on blueberries is an easy way to nourish your body without breaking your diet. For a more substantial snack, try blueberries in low fat yogurt.


If staying full in between meals is something you struggle with, apples are the perfect food for you. They contain a substance called pectin that will help your body feel full for longer. When you're trying to resist temptation, try munching down on this fiber rich food.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natural Allergy Relief

Many people have the misfortune of suffering from allergies. Whether they're plagued by seasonal allergies or have something environmental that irritates them, it can be seriously debilitating. Though there are many allergy medications on the market, many of them have inconvenient side effects. Thankfully, there are many foods that can help an allergy attack to be much less severe. Here are a few suggestions on how to get natural allergy relief:


Though onions are known for their eye-watering effects, munching down on them can actually reduce watery eyes! Onions are rich in quercetin, a flavonoid that works as an anti-inflammatory and reduces the release of histamine. For the highest dose of quercetin, go for red onions- they have a higher concentration of it than other kinds.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are an incredible source of selenium, which will help to combat allergies by improving your immune function. It also can improve your body's B-cell antibody response and even help the vitamin C you consume to become more effective. Other sources include lentils and tuna.


Artichokes contain plenty of magnesium, which works to fight off some stages of allergic reactions. Munching down on foods high in magnesium can also help reduce stress. They've even been shown to help relax muscles around the bronchial tubes, which will those who suffer from asthma.


Many fruits are high in vitamin C, but mangoes are near the top of the pack. Just one mango contains 95 mg. Vitamin C decreases the production of histamine in addition to working as a natural anti-inflammatory. Other foods with plenty of vitamin C include oranges and broccoli.


Dark green vegetables like spinach contain plenty of molybdenum. Molybdenum works a bit like selenium in that it enhances the effects of vitamin C. Pair spinach up with your favorite vitamin C rich food to take full advantage of its anti-histamine effects.


Pineapple has plenty of bromelain, which fights of allergy effects by helping to block out pro-inflammatory compounds and inflammatory byproducts from your body. Pineapple is also a terrific source of vitamin C. If you're looking for a food to do double duty, look no further.

Green Tea

The phytonutrients in green tea help to ward off everyday cellular attacks, including those that cause allergy symptoms. Drinking a hot beverage is also a great way to clear sinuses if you've already started feeling the effects of your allergies.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds are an incredible source of calcium- just one quarter cup contains 351 mg of it. Calcium is another nutrient that works as a natural anti-histamine. Because sesame seeds are easy to snack on, you can use them to easily load up on calcium and fight off allergies all day long.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Natural Ways of Detoxing the Body

broccoli sprouts
Detoxing is becoming more and more popular. From specialized diets to supplements, people are trying all sorts of things to remove toxins from your body. If you're curious about doing a detox but don't want to commit to a regime, you're in luck. There are many foods that have natural detoxing properties that you can add to your diet. Here are a few simple and natural ways of detoxing the body.


Loading up on a vegetable that's high in soluble fiber like carrots is a great way to help your body flush out toxins. In addition to this, carrots contain a phytonutrient called falcarinol that promotes colon health as well as several antioxidants.


The leaves of watercress have a natural diuretic effect that will helps the foods that your body is digesting move through your system more efficiently. Try using watercress in place of whatever leafy greens you normally use on sandwiches and salads.

Green tea

Not only is green tea chock full of antioxidants- it also contains catechins. Catechins will speed up your body's liver activity so that your body can easily metabolize any harmful toxins. Try starting your day off with a nice hot cup of green tea.


One of the many reasons that apples are great at fighting off illnesses is because they contain such a high amount of soluble fiber- just one medium apple will provide your body with 4 grams of it. And that's not all that apples have to offer- they've also got one of the highest levels of antioxidant activity in fruits.


Like green tea, cabbage helps your liver to work more effectively, which is crucial to detoxing. Cabbage also is a great source of antioxidants like vitamin C, as well as other great nutrients like fiber, manganese, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids.


Parsley is another great natural diuretic. It is also a very versatile food. Not only can you use it all the ways you would a normal herb, but it also makes a delicious tea. In addition to its diuretic properties, parsley also can help you to detox thanks to the vitamin C and flavonoids it contains.


Anyone looking to detox should be sure to take advantage of a food as rich in antioxidants as blueberries are. And antioxidants aren not all that blueberries have to offer either- they also contain a surprising amount of fibers such as pectin.

Broccoli sprouts

While all broccoli is a wonderful thing for you to eat, broccoli sprouts are particularly good to much on while detoxing. They'll help to stimulate enzymes throughout your body so that eliminating toxins is much easier. They also contain vitamin C.


Green peas are yet another soluble fiber rich food. Of course, fiber isn't all that green peas have to offer. They're also a terrific source of vitamin C, and will provide your body with many other nutrients as well. A few of these include vitamin K, manganese, and potassium.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Great Foods to Eat When Pregnant

swiss chard
Pregnant women are frequently told foods that they should avoid, but there are many wonderful foods that are great for supplying your body with the many nutrients it needs during pregnancy. Being pregnant takes an huge amount of energy already, and loading up on healthy foods is of the utmost importance. Here is a list of some great foods to eat when pregnant.


Asparagus is rich in folic acid, which is crucial to the development of DNA, making it important for your growing baby. Asparagus will also nourish your body with the stores of nutrients it contains, like vitamin K, fiber, manganese, copper, and protein.


Getting plenty of protein during pregnancy is very important. Protein helps your baby's developing organs and will also help to give your body all of the energy it needs. Just one large egg will will give you 7 grams of protein. Vegans can get a good dose of protein from beans. For meat and fish eaters, try salmon and chicken as well.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is chock full of iron, which is very important to eat plenty of while pregnant. Since babies take the iron they need from their mother's stores, it is easy for pregnant women to become anemic. This leafy green also has plenty of vitamin K, vitamin C, and protein.


Not only are oranges a great way to give your body plenty of the antioxidant vitamin C, they're also a good source of calcium, which is another important nutrient to consume while pregnant. One medium orange contains a surprising 52 mg of calcium.

Whole Wheat Toast

A plain slice of whole wheat toast is a wonderful way to keep your stomach settled during the nausea heavy periods of your pregnancy, and it'll also provide your body with the whole wheats and grains that it needs to get plenty of. Whole wheat crackers are also a good choice.


Blueberries contain a surprising amount of fiber for their size. Snacking on them is a perfect way to help your body gets all of it that it needs while pregnant. They're also full of antioxidants, which means they'll help you fight off any illnesses you may be exposed to.

In addition to eating nutritious foods like this, it's also important that you take a prenatal supplement, especially during the early months of your pregnancy. If you're struggling with keeping them down, talk to your doctor. They may be able to suggest an alternative supplement that will be easier on your stomach. You can also try drinking something with ginger before you take your prenatals to help settle your stomach.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Best Foods to Eat After a Workout

sesame seeds

Getting plenty of exercise can leave your body ravenous. However, loading up on the wrong foods can undo much of the good that your workout has done. Thankfully, there are many amazing foods that are able to help your body take full advantage of all your hard work. Here are the best foods to eat after a workout.


Almonds are the perfect snack to refuel with after a workout because they're high in leucine. Leucine is an essential amino acid that is will give you energy and help to keep your muscle protein from breaking down so that your body can take full advantage of the exercise you do.

Brown Rice

Brown rice is high in good carbohydrates. These carbs will keep your body from having to draw on its stores of glycogen to refuel your body. Try eating brown rice will some healthy steamed vegetables. Brown rice also contains manganese and selenium .


Tuna is a great way to feed your body the lean protein in needs to help your body become more toned.Light canned tuna is also extremely low in calories, so you won't risk consuming as many calories as you have burned. Tuna is also a great source of niacin, selenium, vitamin B6, potassium, and thiamin.


Avocado is full of good monounsaturated fats. Eating it after you've burned away fat exercising is a great way to replace bad fats with better ones. Avocado is also rich in nutrients like vitamin K, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate and copper.


Not only does salmon pack in a healthy dose of protein, but it's also full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to increase the amount of fat calories that your body can burn in a day. Vegetarian foods high in omega-3s include walnuts, spinach, and Brussels sprouts.


Yogurt is a very good source of glutamine, which your body drains after working out. Studies have also linked eating low-fat yogurt with weight loss. A few other reasons to chow down on yogurt include iodine, calcium, protein, phosphorus, and vitamin B2.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are full of an essential amino acid called isoleucine, which has been shown to help increase muscle protein. After exercising, your body will be running low on isoleucine, so taking a bag of sesame seeds with you to your gym to refuel is a great idea.


Berries are a great way to give your body a little dose of the good carbohydrates it needs. Blueberries are a particularly great pick since they're able to replenish so many of the nutrients drained from your body. From vitamin C and manganese to fiber and vitamin E, blueberries have it all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Best Foods to Eat When Sick

Recovering from illness quickly is very important to most people. Aside from not wanting to suffer from the symptoms of illness, it is very difficult for people to miss work or to put other important activities on hold until they are better. Thankfully, there are many foods that can help ensure recovery from common illnesses like colds, infections, and the flu. Here's a list of the best foods to eat when you're sick:


Carrots can help your body fight off illnesses thanks to the beta carotene it contains. It provides your body with more infection fighting cells that will help you get better in no time. While a crunchy carrot may not sound appetizing if you have symptoms like a sore throat, it can still provide you with plenty of nutrients when served in a soup.


Salmon is a great source of many nutrients, but it contains two things in particular that can really help to boost your immune system: omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. The omega-3 increases activities of white blood cells in your body, while the selenium protects those cells from free-radical damage, making them a perfect combination.

Collard Greens

Collard greens are a good source of vitamin E, which stimulates the production of cells that will hunt for an eliminate germs from your body. Collard greens are also a good source of antioxidants like vitamin C and even contain some omega-3 fatty acids.


Not only are oranges a great way to get the powerful antioxidant vitamin c, they can also help to detoxify your body. Citrus fruits have been shown to have natural detoxification abilities. Oranges also contain fiber, vitamin B1, folate, vitamin A, calcium and potassium.


Blueberries are an antioxidant powerhouse. Studies have shown that they're among the fruits with the highest antioxidant activity. From vitamin C and E to polyphenols and flavonoids, blueberries give you an incredible amount of antioxidants in each serving.

Summer Squash

Summer Squash is a good source of zinc, which increases the number of infection fighting t-cells your body produces. It also helps the white bloods cells in your body to fight off illness more effectively. If summer squash isn't in season, other good sources of zinc are pumpkin seeds and spinach.


A yogurt high in probiotics is a great way to fight off illnesses as well as boost your resistance to them in the future. A yogurt full of healthy bacteria will boost your immune system so that you can recover as quickly as possible. To see more foods with probiotics, click here.

Green Tea

Soothing green tea is high in polyphenols, which are a powerful antioxidant that can help your body to better fight off illnesses. Green tea also has vitamins A, C, and E and can be very soothing to drink when a runny nose or a sore throat is among your symptoms.


The lycopene in tomatoes fights off disease by eliminating free radicals from your body, making sure that your body can produce all of the white blood cells it needs. Tomatoes also contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. Try eating them in a nice hot soup.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Top Ten Healthiest Fruits

red grapes
Fruits are an important part of any diet. They're full of important nutrients and antioxidants, and are great when you're looking for a healthy snack. Most fruits are pretty good for you, but here's a list of the top ten healthiest fruits. Use this list to make the most out of your daily serving of fruits and vegetables.

10. Strawberries

Sweet strawberries have some amazing benefits! Not only are they full of nutrients like vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin K, but they've also been shown to protect your eyesight and promote optimal physical health. Be sure to eat your strawberries plain rather than dipping them in sugar.

9. Raspberries

Most berries are full of antioxidants, and raspberries are no exception. They're an excellent source of vitamin C and also contain cancer-fighting phytochemical ellagic acid. Loganberries and boysenberries are a great choice too- they're both hybrids of raspberries.

8. Plums

Juicy plums contain plenty of fiber, which is great to have in your diet. They're also another good source of vitamin C as well as vitamin A, vitamin B2 and potassium. The antioxidants in plums help to protect your body from destructive phenols.

7. Cherries

While cherries don't have quite as much vitamin C as berries do, they contain plenty of bioflavonoids and ellagic acid, as well as melatonin. Studies have shown that cherries can ease the symptoms of Fibromyalgia Syndrome and can help to prevent heart disease.

6. Red Grapes

All varieties of grapes are a wonderful food to add to your diet, but red grapes are at the head of the pack. They're one of the best sources of manganese around, and also are chock full of B6, vitamin B1, potassium, and vitamin C. Red grapes in particular are also rich in flavonoids.

5. Cranberries

Cranberries are well known for their power to fight off Urinary Tract Infections, but they have other benefits as well. Studies have shown that cranberries can protect against viral infections and improve oral health. Cranberries are also a good source of vitamin C and vitamin K.

4. Oranges

Oranges are world famous for all the vitamin C they contain, but that's not all they have to offer. They also have plenty of B vitamins, vitamin A, calcium and potassium. In addition to this, they've been shown to help support your immune system.

3. Apples

The saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" was coined for a reason! Apples are a terrific source of fiber and also have lots of flavonoids and vitamin C. Eating apples is also good for your lungs and has even been shown to protect against asthma.

2. Kiwis

Kiwis contain an incredible amount of vitamin C, beating out even oranges. They also have many other nutrients, like potassium, fiber, and vitamin E. The phytonutrients in kiwis are great for improving allover health, and they've also been shown to lower your risk for blood clots.

1. Blueberries

Berries are great sources of antioxidant protection, and blueberries are the leader of the pack. They contain an antioxidant known as anthocyanadins in addition to ellagic acid. They also have plenty of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin E, and fiber. Blueberries have been shown to promote gastrointestinal health as well as boost your brain power, making them one of the all-time healthiest fruits.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Foods That Improve Concentration

brain boosting food
For many people, it can be hard to focus, even if they don't suffer from ADD. There are many great foods that improve concentration that you can add to your diet to get a healthier, more focused you.


Walnuts are a great source of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids, both of which have brain boosting properties. With your brain performing at its best, it'll be much easier for you to concentrate. Walnuts also contain vitamin E.


Blackberries contain an antioxidant called anthocyanins, which fights off degenerative brain diseases and helps to keep your mind safe from stress. Blackberries are also low calorie and full of fiber as well as other antioxidants like vitamin C.


Like walnuts, salmon has plenty of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which will keep your mind running strong. Eating salmon regularly can also help to prevent a stroke and has even been shown to help make people feel less hostile.

Dark Chocolate

Having some dark chocolate is a sweet way to improve your concentration! The small amounts of caffeine in dark chocolate can keep you more alert, and it's also full of antioxidants that will fight to keep your mind at its peak.

Green Tea

Green tea contains a naturally relaxing substance called catechines. Not only will it calm you down, but it'll help you to stay focused. It's also full of antioxidants. Try carrying a mug of hot green tea with you to class or work- wherever you want to improve your concentrating abilities.


Avocados are full of healthy mono-saturated fats, which will help keep your blood flowing perfectly to your brain. Like most of the other foods on this list, avocados also contain antioxidants, making them a perfect food for improving your concentration.

Whole Grains

Loading up on whole grains will give your body lots of folate, which helps stimulate brain function so that you can focus more than ever. Whole grains are also rich in vitamin B6. Try starting off your day with a breakfast cereal full of whole grains.


Brocolli is one of the best sources of vitamin K, which helps to improve your cognitive function so that you can concentrate on the tasks at hand. It also has plenty of antioxidants as well as folic acid, calcium, and fiber.


Eggs contain a substance called choline, which has been shown to improve the response time of neurons in your brain. Egg yolk is also full of antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. The high protein and low calorie content of eggs make them a perfect brain boosting snack for someone on a diet.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Foods With Vitamin D

vitamin D

Vitamin D is a great nutrient- it helps to fight off many diseases and is crucial to healthy bones. While it's easy to get all the vitamin D our bodies need over the summer when you're regularly exposed to sunlight, it can be hard to get enough vitamin D during the cold winter months. Luckily, there are some foods with vitamin D that can keep our bodies healthy even when we're not in the sun.

Anyone who includes fish in diet should take full advantage of all of salmon's nutritional properties. Not only is it one of the best sources of vitamin D, but it's also chock full of things like omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, protein, niacin and vitamin B12.

As long as you're not on an egg-whit only diet, the yolks of eggs are a great way to load up on vitamin D. Eggs contain selenium, iodine, and vitamin B2, and are also a great source of protein in addition to being linked to preventing blood clots.

Cod Liver Oil
While cod liver oil may not sound like the most appetizing way to load up on vitamin D, it has plenty of nutrients to offer your body. In addition to vitamin D, it contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A. In fact, cod liver oil contains so much vitamin A that you can go over the daily recommended values when taking it as a supplement, so use cod liver oil with some caution.

Shitake Mushrooms
Adding shitake mushrooms to your meal is a great way to add a little extra vitamin D. They're also a good way to add selenium and iron to your diet, as well as some protein, fiber and vitamin C. An especially healthy way to serve shitake mushrooms is in a miso soup.

Fortified Cereal
There are many healthy cereals that are fortified with nutrients like vitamin D. Quaker Instant Oatmeal and Kellog's All Bran with Extra Fiber are two examples of cereals with added vitamin D. Either one would be a great way to start off your day.

Many kinds of milk are fortified with vitamin D. Whether you drink cow's milk or prefer to drink rice and soy milk, it's easy to find a milk product that can give your body plenty of vitamin D. Be sure to pick one that's full of other nutrients as well.

Though the word shrimp is synonymous with being small, they have more nutrients than many bigger foods. They're high in protein and very low in calories, making them a great choice for anyone who needs vitamin D but is dieting. They're also full of selenium and vitamin B12.

Whether you eat your tuna canned or prefer it fresh, tuna is a great way to get some extra vitamin D. Tuna contains the amazing omega-3 fatty acids, and is also a great source of nutrients such as niacin, selenium, protein, vitamin B6 and even thiamin.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sinus Infection Home Remedies

sinus infection
Suffering from a sinus infection is certainly no fun. Though there are medications that can treat a sinus infection, that doesn't make suffering through it until you can take them any easier. Luckily, there are many foods that can help your body fight off and recover from one. Here are some of our sinus infection home remedies.

Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin A that can help your body fight off an infection. It's also full of phytochemicals like beta-carotene, indoles, and isothiocyanates. Try adding broccoli to your next healthy soup recipe.

Like broccoli, tomatoes are full of many kinds of antioxidants such as lycopene. It's also a great source for an incredible amount of nutrients. From vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K to potassium, manganese, and fiber, tomatoes are a great way to keep your body nourished.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar makes a great home remedy for a sinus infection. Try taking it like a tonic when you start to feel yourself getting sick. If you're already ill, fear not! Apple cider vinegar can also help to thin out mucous, and lead you to a speedy recovery.

Whether you serve it in a soup or drink it in a tea, ginger is a great way to help your body kick a sinus infection. It contains plenty of vitamins like potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and vitamin B6 and is also a great way to soothe an irritated and mucous filled throat.

Blueberries are one of the most antioxidant rich foods you can eat. They're full of an antioxidant compound called anthocyanadins, and they also contain something called ellagic acid, which can prevent cell damage and help your body recover from illness. They also have plenty of vitamin C!

Artichokes are full of phytonutrients that will help your body fight off infections. They have plenty of vitamin C, and many of the most powerful antioxidants, such as Quercetin, Anthocyanins, Caffeic Acid and Chlorogenic Acid, which has anti-viral properties.

Peppermint has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which means it's a great way to soothe your mucous membranes. If you're not a fan of peppermint tea, you can try just steeping the tea bag and breathing in the steam to take advantage of its benefits.

Oranges are famous as a feel better food, primarily because of their high vitamin C content. However, oranges also have plenty of healing phytonutrients like polyphenols and anthocyanins. When these are combined with vitamin C, their healing power is unstoppable.

Leafy green vegetables are a great place to go for many antioxidats and nutrients, and spinach is one of the best. It has an amazing 13 flavonoid compounds, all with antioxidants. The vitamin K is spinach can also act as anti-inflammatory agent and calm your irritated mucous membranes.