Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Natural Allergy Relief

Many people have the misfortune of suffering from allergies. Whether they're plagued by seasonal allergies or have something environmental that irritates them, it can be seriously debilitating. Though there are many allergy medications on the market, many of them have inconvenient side effects. Thankfully, there are many foods that can help an allergy attack to be much less severe. Here are a few suggestions on how to get natural allergy relief:


Though onions are known for their eye-watering effects, munching down on them can actually reduce watery eyes! Onions are rich in quercetin, a flavonoid that works as an anti-inflammatory and reduces the release of histamine. For the highest dose of quercetin, go for red onions- they have a higher concentration of it than other kinds.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are an incredible source of selenium, which will help to combat allergies by improving your immune function. It also can improve your body's B-cell antibody response and even help the vitamin C you consume to become more effective. Other sources include lentils and tuna.


Artichokes contain plenty of magnesium, which works to fight off some stages of allergic reactions. Munching down on foods high in magnesium can also help reduce stress. They've even been shown to help relax muscles around the bronchial tubes, which will those who suffer from asthma.


Many fruits are high in vitamin C, but mangoes are near the top of the pack. Just one mango contains 95 mg. Vitamin C decreases the production of histamine in addition to working as a natural anti-inflammatory. Other foods with plenty of vitamin C include oranges and broccoli.


Dark green vegetables like spinach contain plenty of molybdenum. Molybdenum works a bit like selenium in that it enhances the effects of vitamin C. Pair spinach up with your favorite vitamin C rich food to take full advantage of its anti-histamine effects.


Pineapple has plenty of bromelain, which fights of allergy effects by helping to block out pro-inflammatory compounds and inflammatory byproducts from your body. Pineapple is also a terrific source of vitamin C. If you're looking for a food to do double duty, look no further.

Green Tea

The phytonutrients in green tea help to ward off everyday cellular attacks, including those that cause allergy symptoms. Drinking a hot beverage is also a great way to clear sinuses if you've already started feeling the effects of your allergies.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds are an incredible source of calcium- just one quarter cup contains 351 mg of it. Calcium is another nutrient that works as a natural anti-histamine. Because sesame seeds are easy to snack on, you can use them to easily load up on calcium and fight off allergies all day long.

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