Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Food Cures for Acne

Although acne is most commonly associated with teenagers, people of all ages can suffer from it. Unhealthy foods are often blamed foe bad skin, but eating right can help to clear up your skin as well. Here are a few food cures for acne,


Blueberries can help give you a healthier looking complexion thanks to all the anti-oxidants they contain, but that's not all they can do. Blueberries also contain anti-inflammatory enzymes, which will help to calm your skin and clear up your acne naturally.


Creamy avocado is loaded with vitamin B3. Also know as niacin, this is one of rhe most important nutrients to consume if you're after healthy looking skin. Avocado will also help to nourish your skin with all of the essential oils that it contains.


The Omega-3 fatty acids that walnuts are full are a great way to get healthier skin that's less prone to breakouts. They have many other benefits to offer as well, like all of the antioxidants that they contain, as well as improving the health of your heart.


Spinach is commonly associated with making you healthy and strong, but it can also give you great looking skin. Spinach packs a powerful dose of vitamin A, which has been linked to diminishing acne problems. It's a nutritious way to get clearer skin fast.


Foods with a low glycemic load such as broccoli have been linked to clearing up acne. Broccoli also contains many other skin friendly nutrients, such as vitamin A, and can even work as a natural anti-inflammatory. It's the perfect food for anyone who wants clearer skin.

Brown Rice

If you tend to suffer from breakouts while you're menstruating, you may want to add more brown rice to your diet. It's rich in vitamin B6, which can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing period related acne flare-ups. Be sure to choose brown rice rather than white rice.


The second nut on this list has an all new nutrient to offer: vitamin E. Vitamin E is a great way to clear up your complextion, and a small serving of almonds can give you as much as 150% of your daily dose of it.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is a terrific natural source of biotin, which is an active ingredient in many pricey skin care products. Biotin is one of many B vitamins that works to give you healthier looking skin. Not having enough biotin in your diet can lead to irritated skin and even breakouts.


  1. hola chicos y chicas mi nombre es salomon.....me gusta mi nombre porque rima con salchichon....y me gusta un monton....jajajajaja que vacilon.,..

  2. Antioxidant rich foods are great for the skin because not only do they remove free radicals from the body but they reduce signs of aging, and eliminate toxins that can worsen acne. Most antioxidants are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, therefore the reason behind eating 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

  3. Thanks for an informative article

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